Attorney General


DUI Charges and DMV Hearings

When you are facing charges after a DUI arrest, you first need to worry about the DMV hearing. At the DMV hearing, a hearing officer determines whether you can keep your driver's license, even before you are convicted of DUI. In fact, you could lose your license at the hearing, and later be acquitted of the DUI. At a DMV hearing, the hearing officer will hear testimony from the officer who arrested you to determine whether you should lose your license, based on his or her determination of whether...

Dealing With An Unfavorable DMV Decision

The decision after a DMV hearing following a DUI arrest can be either a set aside or an uphold of the suspension.  When the decision is unfavorable to the driver the next step can be either to appeal the finding or move on.  For first offenders who took a test the suspension period of four months typically does not justify a decision to appeal the hearing officer's decision.  The driver can usually get a restricted license after waiting 30 days.  Foe second offenders an appeal...

How a Person's Core Body Temperature Can Skew Breath Test Results

Breath testing in DUI cases relies on the presumption that every subject has a "normal" body temperature.  But what if a subject has a fever? One study (Fox & Hayward, 1989) did reveal problems with DUI breath tests for those with higher than normal body temperature levels.  For example, when the core temp was elevated one degree Celsius, the corresponding breath test for alcohol increased by nearly 9 percent. This means that if a person had an elevated body temp and was stopped...

A Bakersfield Speeding Ticket Attorney Explains Trials by Written Declaration

In California, as in many states, a defendant may elect to have a trial by written declaration on any Vehicle Code infraction or speeding ticket. If the clerk  receives from the defendant a written request for a trial by written declaration on or before the appearance date indicated on the notice to appear, the clerk must, within 15 calendar days of receiving the request,extend the appearance date 25 calendar days, and must give or mail the defendant notice of the extended due date on a Request...

Hematocrit Defense in DUI Cases

 Hematocrit represents the fraction of whole blood composed of red blood cells and is correlated with the aqueous content of the blood.  The higher the hematocrit, the lower the concentration of water in the blood and vice versa, according to California DUI Attorney Matthew Ruff.  How does this issue play into a DUI case you may ask?  Put simply, the higher a hematocrit level, the higher a person's blood alcohol concentration.  With breath tests, the normal variation in...

What is the penalty for a refusal in California?

There are a number of penalties or consequences for DUI charges in California.  Perhaps the most severe of all penalties is that for a refusal to take a chemical test, breath or blood.  In addition to the Court consequences, the DMV will impose harsh sanctions if the driver is found to have refused a breath or blood test after having been arrested for drunk drivingThe following are the administrative penalties for a DUI refusalA First refusal within 10 years carries a one year drivers...

The Dream Act, Reward for iIlegal Conduct?

The government lawmakers this week shot down the "dream act"  effectively denying young children of illegal immigrants the opportunity to become citizens and finally be a part of the United States as legal citizens.  Many believe this act was a reward to those that entered the US illegally, others say it rewards those who had no say in where they grew up and did the right thing by going to school and staying out of criminal trouble.  Time will tell which side eventually prevail...

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