The Important Road Traffic Accident Claim Procedure.

If you are involved in an accident and you decide to file a road traffic accident claim you need some sort of evidence to prove that the other person is responsible. You will be entitled to file the compensation claim if the other person is responsible for the accident and injuries sustained. To file the case you are required to follow some important procedures.

The process of road accident claim can be simple if you adapt the following procedure which can help you to file a successful road traffic accident claim.

It is important to report the accident to the police; they will provide you with a reference number for your case. They will also file a report which will contain details of the accident scene. If your case is transparent the report will indicate a charge against the other driver for driving without proper care. This report will be a significant evidence to prove your innocence and the guiltiness of the other driver.

It is vital to inform the accident to your insurance company within twenty four hours from the time of accident.

Never forget to get legal advice from your solicitor before meeting the insurance adjuster. Better to allow your solicitor to negotiate with the insurance adjuster for a reasonable settlement.

Visit your nearby hospital as early as possible to report your injuries and obtain a medical report. You should get the medical report even if there are no visible injuries because there could be a possibility that you might have injured yourself internally. A medical report is a critical piece of evidence to support your personal injury claim.

You should be aware of the statute limitation for filing your case. You can claim within three years of the accident date. Beyond the specified time limit you will not be allowed to file your case.

It is important to gather information such as name, address and telephone number of the driver at fault along with the registration number of the vehicle and insurance details. This information will help to identify the other party.

If you can find witness in the area where the incident happened you should collect their contact details like name, address and telephone number. Eye witnesses are best evidence for the road accident.

Taking photographs of the accident scene, damages to the vehicles and injuries if visible is very important. Photos are valuable and strong evidence to prove the negligence of the other party.

Seeking the help of a competent accident lawyer can be the best to file your road traffic accident claim. You can get the best legal advice from an experienced lawyer right throughout the process of your claim.
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