What Do Car Crash Statistics Tell Us About Men And

What Do Car Crash Statistics Tell Us About Men And Women

In the age old dispute of whether men are better drivers than women, one thing is for certain: women arent quite as dangerous behind the wheel. According to a report on car crash statistics from the New York City Department of Transportation, 80% of pedestrian accidents involved a male driver behind the wheel. Its hard to be certain that there is a specific causal relationship between sex and driving ability. It may be that so many more men cause accidents because men statistically drive more miles per year.

In the end, insurance pricing suggests that women have a lower risk of causing an accident. Men's insurance rates tend to be higher than women's. Why is this? The numbers support it. What ways can we explain the reasons behind the causes described by fatal car crash statistics?

Experts claim that men are less risk adverse and more aggressive and therefore have a higher chance of causing a car accident. That means men drive faster, swerve in and out of traffic, are less likely to wear a seat belt, and more likely to drink and drive. Accordingly, social scientists argue, women tend to be more cautious behind the wheel and less willing to take risks that could end in an accident.

Regardless, this battle is not going to end soon. In the end, it doesnt matter if you are a man or a woman because a car accident will hurt you no matter what. Car accident statistics mostly tell us how dangerous driving a car can be. A lot of time, perhaps fortunately , those inside the car are simply hurt and not killed. These injuries, however, can be painful and lifelong. All too often people injured in car accidents are told by their insurance company that insurance will not be covering the entirety of their expenses. You can only be helped by a good car accident lawyer.

An experienced injury lawyer can fight the insurance company to get you the maximum total payment for your expensive medical bills. It is really important to verify that your potential accident attorney is to be trusted and not out for their own personal benefit. You can tell the quality of an injury lawyer by the amount of free information they put out about personal injury law in general--before they even consider your case. The highest quality car accident lawyers are going to have a lot of free information that will tell you what to do before you ever get into a car accident, and what you need to do in the aftermath.
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