Motorcycle Accident Attorney-- Using One To Settle Your Case

Even if you don't have the slightest interest in taking an insurance company to court, having a motorcycle accident attorney by your side when negotiating a settlement is a must. When compared to almost everyone else on the road, those who ride bikes are prone to more frequent, and more severe, injuries. Making things worse is the fact that many drivers fail to see their two-wheeled compatriots in the first place. While bumper sticker campaigns have attempted to raise awareness, the fact remains that riding a bike is always going to raise the risks. However, that doesn't mean you're any less entitled to compensation when negligence leads to injury. Here are some tips that can lead you and your lawyer to a nice settlement.


A court case lives and dies on the evidence. Now, wait, you said you didn't want to go to court. It doesn't matter. You have to have a case behind you that would be successful in front of a jury or the insurance company will have no motivation to offer you a decent settlement. They have to believe that the results of the case would be worse in court before being willing to settle. If all you have is a he-said, she-said type of situation, you're not going to be able to extract much. A motorcycle accident attorney may not even take your case unless you have something to back your side of the story.

Written Doctor's Report

Your doctor's report on your injuries and their nature will be one of the most powerful pieces of evidence you have when it comes to getting compensation. It isn't going to do you much good to simply claim that your injuries are permanent or are going to keep you out of work for an extended period of time. However, if you have the words of a doctor behind your claims, it carries a great deal more weight. Juries eat up expert medical testimony. If a doctor or a surgeon (who has no reason to risk his reputation on a biased judgment) writes on your behalf, the insurance company will take notice in a hurry. Any motorcycle accident attorney will tell you to keep detailed records of your medical expenses, as well.

Stick With The Facts

More often than not, a good motorcycle accident attorney will see through this charade before the insurance company has a chance to, but you should never try to exaggerate your injuries. If you are caught embellishing on your damages, it could throw your entire case under a suspicious light and it will give the insurance company more confidence to move forward without offering a healthy settlement. Stick with the facts.
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Comments :

Unknown said... on 

Of course driving a motorcycle comes with risks. However, when you're abiding by the laws and you get in a harmful wreck that wasn't your fault, you should get compensation. My brother is looking for a motorcycle accident settlement option. His medical bills and pain and suffering has bee crippling to his job. What are some things that we need to remember with settlements?

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