The Recommended Houston DWI Attorney Don't Be

The Recommended Houston DWI Attorney Don't Be Frightened of Fighting Your DWI Case

Subsequent to allegedly failing a breath test or field sobriety testing, a Austin driver might think that fighting drunk driving charges is impossible. This could not be further from the truth. A qualified DWI defense lawyer can conduct a complete investigation into each and every single aspect of a drunk driving case to determine how to build the most successful defense technique feasible. Even though you may have been told that you failed a blood test or took a breath test and the result confirmed .08% or higher (above the legal limit) there are ways that your attorney can challenge your charges nevertheless.

The first step to take to fight your Austin drunk driving case would be to get in touch with an attorney. The Most Dedicated Austin DWI Attorney will provide a confidential consultation to speak about your case and how they can approach your DWI defense. With their experience in this specific field and dedication to protecting clients' rights, they'll be able approach the matter swiftly and effectively.

Hire the Most Respected Austin Lawyer!

You will find different techniques your lawyer may employ in difficult drunk driving allegations. Usually, a defense will target one or more specific violations of procedure or of a defendant's rights. For example, the defendant might have been unlawfully stopped by law enforcement or may have been arrested without the police officer establishing probable cause. A breath test may have been administered by an individual untrained in these particular tests. A blood sample may have been mishandled. These are all illustrations of circumstances that might offer the Best Austin Criminal Defense Attorney the chance to successfully challenge your charges.

Remember: If you plead guilty to DWI, you'll be found guilty of DWI. In the event you don't fight your case, if you go into court and plead guilty to drunk driving and throw yourself on the mercy of the judge and prosecutor, there is a 100% chance that you shall be found guilty of drunk driving following your DWI arrest.

If you request a jury trial, and the prosecutor can't convince all Twelve of the jurors of a defendant's guilt, there's no conviction. That means you'll walk away with a clean record! You will find three potential outcomes following a jury trial: all Twelve agree on the defendant's guilt; all Twelve agree on the defendant's innocence, or some vote one particular way and some vote another. The latter outcome is recognized as a "hung jury", and if you happen to be the defendant in a DWI case, you're happy to have one, since it'll most likely mean that the case will be dismissed.

This all means that you and your lawyer only have to convince one of the Twelve jurors to vote not guilty to be able to win your DWI case. One out of Twelve. The alternative, quite often, is to throw yourself on the mercy of a system which has no mercy. Isn't that reason enough to fight your case? It's so important to take the time to speak with the Recommended Austin DWI Lawyer near you to start preparing your approach!
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