The Steps You Need To Take After Being Charged With

The Steps You Need To Take After Being Charged With A Dui

When someone is charged with a DUI they often feel frustrated, depressed and anxious. They have just been charged with a very serious offense and will have to have a trial. Depending on if they are convicted as guilty they may have to face serious consequences that will turn their life upside down for awhile. While in custody of the police one will likely need to post bail or sign a written promise to appear in court in the near future.

The first step that one should take after they get out of jail is to contact a qualified somekeyword to represent them in this very overwhelming situation. A Lakewood DUI attorney specializes in DUI's so they are the only type of attorney that one should call. Hiring a general attorney would likely just cause you more stress since they do not specialize in DUI cases.

Once one contact a DUI attorney they should set up an initial consultation to discuss their DUI case. During the initial consultation with the DUI attorney the arrest, the procedures that took place, the sobriety test results and the charge or charges will be discussed.

The next step is to schedule a DMV within 10 days of being charged. If one does not schedule your DMV hearing within 10 days their driving privileges will automatically be suspended for one whole year. At the DMV hearing the DUI attorney will likely attempt to get your driving privileges reinstated.

After the DMV trial one will have an arraignment during which they will be able to plead their case. They will have to plead "guilty", "not guilty" or "no contest" to the DUI charge. If one pleads "guilty" or "no contest" they will automatically be given a sentence. On the other hand if one pleads, "Not guilty" they will be given a future court date to have a trial with a judge and a jury. A Lakewood DUI attorney will likely be able to help someone who is charged with a DUI to figure out how the strengths and weaknesses in their case. Check out this helpful website that will give you somekeyword.
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