Thomas Ajava

Business Venture Capital The Ownership Position Taken

10th January 2011 Starting a business from scratch can be a real challenge. Once you meet that challenge and have a profitable, stable business, you will start thinking about growing the business in significant ways. At that point, you will have another challenge. Youll n... Read >

Computer Hardware How Much Computer RAM Is Enough?

10th January 2011 How much computer RAM is enough? The answer to this question is heavily dependent on the usage of the computer. If you use your computer to just check your email and browse the web, you will not need a lot of RAM. If however you use your computer for vari... Read >

Health Healthcare Introduction to HDL Cholesterol

10th January 2011 This article will give you a brief introduction about HDL cholesterol, often called the good cholesterol in your body. Cholesterol is carried in the blood by particles called lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins, HDL and LDL. HDL stands for h... Read >

Writing Speaking Top 3 Tips for Getting Published

07th January 2011 For those who love to write, getting published by a major publishing house is the ultimate dream. It is however much easier said than done. The truth is that a very vast majority of writers who send out their work to publishing houses often see their work... Read >

Travel-and-Leisure San Diego Beaches Finding Your Perfect Beach

07th January 2011 Mention San Diego and most people immediately think of beaches. Ah, but which beach? In this article, we look at finding your perfect beach. All beaches are the same, right? Not a chance. Beaches are defined by everything from their physical makeup to... Read >

Business Promotional Campaigns Picking An Audience

07th January 2011 Promotional campaigns can be very hit and miss. Why do people do them then? Well, when they are hits, they can be huge ones that can really launch a business, new product line or whatever is being offered. When they do go wrong, however, the problem is of... Read >

Legal The Legal Nature Of Bringing A Mesothelioma-Asbestos Claim

07th January 2011 The asbestos-Mesothelioma situation has been litigated for so long most of the issues have been fleshed out. This means Mesothelioma settlements are very common. The scourge of asbestos and the health problems it causes have been winding its way throu... Read >

Technology Solar Energy Predictions for 2011

07th January 2011 2009 and 2010 were great years for the solar energy industry. This is rather odd when you think about it. Why? Well, nearly everything else was a complete disaster. So, will the good times continue in 2011 or will the solar energy industry start to reflec... Read >

Legal Tips On How To Find The Perfect Mesothelioma Attorney For Your Situation

05th January 2011 You or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer. Do you want to let the party responsible get away with it? No! Here is how to go about selecting a Mesothelioma lawyer. Lets be honest. A Mesothelioma diagnosis is crushing. Not only is ... Read >

Food-and-Drink Popular Christmas Gifts for People Who Love To Cook

05th January 2011 Among your friends or relatives, there will always be an aspiring chef who would love to cook up recipes for you and friends. People like that will love a gift related to cooking from you. They will appreciate your gift by accepting it as a show of suppor... Read >

Finance Understanding The Interest Rate on Commercial Mortgages

04th January 2011 The subject of commercial mortgage interest is one that could give just about anyone a headache. The process works much differently than with the personal loan on your home. That being said, interest is interest and not overly complicated to understand. I... Read >

Sales and Marketing Promotional Items What Cheesy Pens and Stupid Coffee Mugs Say

29th December 2010 The purpose of a promotional product campaign is to produce a desired response from your pool of potential clients or customers. Given this, why oh why do businesses hand out cheesy pens and stupid coffee mugs? Doing so says something to the people that y... Read >

Travel-and-Leisure San Diego Vacations Should You Head To Mexico For A Day Trip?

29th December 2010 San Diego is a unique vacation destination because it offers you so many different things to do. You can obviously go to the beach, but there is also hiking, the San Diego Zoo, horse racing in Del Mar, hot air balloon ride and so on. Mexico is also just a... Read >

Music Christmas Gifts for the Musicians

29th December 2010 If you want to gift a musician something, you will be wasting your time with most conventional gifts like clothes or dishware. A musician will love a gift that is useful and related to the music that he plays. Here are some gifts in many different pri... Read >

Real Estate Commercial Property The Three Types

29th December 2010 Mention the word property and most people immediately think of personal real estate such as the home they live in. There is, however, a second category of property out there known as commercial real estate and it has been in the news lately as the economi... Read >
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