Three Ways A Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

Have you been arrested for a crime you did not commit? Are you facing a trial and are unsure about how to make sure that justice is done on your behalf? If so, then it is vitally important that you hire a criminal defense lawyer to take your case. One of these talented attorneys can help you in a variety of ways. He or she can help to make sure that your rights are protected, that you receive good representation in court, and that your side of the story comes to light. You are sure to be grateful for the help that you receive during the course of your trial.

Protecting Your Rights

The first, and most important, way that a criminal defense lawyer can help you is by making sure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process. He or she will be able to make sure that the conditions of your arrest were legal, that you were treated fairly by the police during questioning, and that the prosecutors treat you fairly throughout the legal proceedings. Protection of this kind is one of the most important things that you can receive during a trial, and this is one reason why you should hire an attorney.

Representing You In Court

In addition to protecting your rights, a criminal defense lawyer will be able to provide you representation in court during your trial. Studies have shown that individuals without representation from a competent attorney are significantly more likely to be convicted than those who have good representation. For this reason alone, it is important to hire someone to represent you before a judge and jury. In a situation like this, you cannot afford to take chances. Therefore, it is important that you make every effort to ensure that you receive the representation that you need.

Telling Your Story

Finally, a criminal defense lawyer can help you by making sure that your side of the story is told. If you are innocent, then one of the most important things that you can do is to tell your story as it really happened. This is one of the most important factors in ensuring that justice is done, and a good attorney will be able to make it happen.

All in all, there are several ways that a criminal defense lawyer can help you. He or she will be able to protect your rights, represent you in court, and tell your side of the story. These are things that you simply cannot do without as you go to trial.

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