When Going Into Audit Litigation An IRS Tax Attorney Is

When Going Into Audit Litigation An IRS Tax Attorney Is Your Best Resource

An IRS audit can happen to anyone, business or individual, and most of the time the audit is completely random and unexpected. Everyone should expect that they will be audited once during their lifetime. There are instances when the audit happens because the IRS has noticed something that raises a red flag to them. No one expects to be audited so when it happens it is important to contact educated tax lawyers.

The IRS has their own attorneys who will be representing them. You need to speak with your IRS tax attorney and share all the details of your case with them. Your attorney needs all the background information so they can best help you with your situation.

At the time of an audit it is common for business owners to turn to their certified public accountant for assistance. A CPA can be very helpful during an audit but if any of your actions have raised concerns with the IRS it may be beneficial to have the confidentiality you receive from attorney/client privilege. In contrast, your CPA will be expected to share all of their knowledge during litigation.

In a lot of cases you are audited by the IRS and then it's over and you can go back to business as usual. In other cases litigation may be necessary after the audit. If you needed to go through litigation you would absolutely need the services of a qualified IRS tax attorney working on your case. There is no doubt that the IRS will have their expert lawyers on their side. Shouldn't you feel equally confident in your representation?

When you get into legal trouble it might feel like a good time to cut costs. This may be true of some costs but it is definitely not time to cut costs on your legal representation. If you are hoping to save money on legal fees, find tax lawyers who offer free legal evaluations or flexible payment plans. These services can make legal cases more affordable without compromising the quality of your attorney.

The most important thing to remember is that with a tax attorney on your side you are not alone. An audit can be an extremely stressful time. Don't make it worse by trying to handle the situation by yourself. Hire a tax attorney from the start. They will become involved in your situation and be better prepared to help in the event that you go into litigation.
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