When You Might Need A Colorado Personal Injury Lawyer

If you a Colorado resident who has been injured because of someone else's negligence, do you know your rights?

If not, you need the services of a Colorado Personal Injury Lawyer. Whether it is the result of a moving vehicle accident, an injury incurred on the job or on someone's property, you have the right to compensation from that person's insurer or the negligent party himself.

About Torts

A Colorado personal injury lawyer is specially trained in the field of law known as torts, which deal with issues of personal injury. This is a very wide area; although most personal injury cases deal with motor vehicle accidents (in which case you would want to retain the specialized services of a Denver car accident attorney, or such a lawyer in the community in which you live), torts are by no means confined to traffic incidents. A Colorado personal injury attorney can assist you with something as simple as a broken leg suffered due to a skateboard left on the sidewalk by a neighbor's child, or in suing a large corporation that manufactured a product which caused you physical harm.

Attorney or Lawyer?

Although we may use the terms Colorado personal injury lawyer and Colorado personal injury attorney interchangeably, there is in fact a distinction; while a lawyer must be licensed and certified by his/her state bar association, an attorney can be anyone's legal representative. If you have suffered an injury in or around Denver, it's best to make certain that your Denver personal injury attorney is in fact a licensed Denver personal injury lawyer.

What Am I Entitled To?

If you have been injured due to another's negligence, you are legally entitled to be compensated for:

-Medical expenses
-Loss of property (i.e. your vehicle has been damaged beyond repair)
-Wages lost due to the inability to work
-Pain and suffering

In general, the first three are very easy for a Colorado personal injury attorney to win, as these are readily quantified and documented. Pain and suffering is not so easy to measure, however. The amount you are likely to win for this can vary a great deal, and if you win, it is likely to be appealed. This is why it is a good idea to have a Colorado personal injury lawyer on your side and not attempt to represent yourself in a personal injury action.

How Do I Start?

Your first step is to make an appointment to discuss your case with a qualified Colorado personal injury attorney. Many will give you a first consultation for free; if you cannot afford the hourly rates, some Colorado personal injury attorneys will take your case on a contingency basis. Time is of the essence, however; many torts have statutes of limitations, so do not wait to call a Colorado personal injury lawyer if you believe you have a case.
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