Getting a Case Evaluation From a Criminal Defense Attorney

A criminal defense attorney will work with individuals charged with a crime to determine what steps they should take. A case evaluation is often the first step in this process. It is an opportunity for the lawyer to sit down with the individual and discuss the charges, evidence, and the likely options available. At this point, the lawyer has not decided to work with the individual and the individual has not agreed to work with the lawyer. It is a simple way to talk about options and to get an honest view of your choices if you are the one charged with a crime.

What Are Your Options?

One of the most commonly asked questions and concerns of the person charged with a crime centers around their options. What is going to happen? A criminal defense attorney can provide a great deal of information about this. Even during the initial consultation, he or she can provide advice on the next step to take based on experience and case law. In other words, scheduling a case evaluation meeting is the best first step for anyone facing charges as it can give you an idea of what to expect going forward.

Fighting Your Case in Court

One of the things many people will want to know is if they can fight the charges they are facing. Can you plead not guilty and actually be successful at doing so? To be successful, you need to have evidence, witnesses, or something else that helps to backup your side of the story. One of the things considered in a case evaluation is whether this is possible.

In many cases, it may not be possible to prove you are innocent. In this situation, the lawyer will help you to determine what other options you may have. For example, you may be able to work out a plea agreement. You may be able to get the charges reduced. You may have to consider the benefits of pleading guilty to get a lower sentencing or reduced fines. No matter what the charges are or what the likely punishment is, whatever decision you make now, is going to affect you in the long-term. For this reason, you need an expert by your side to guide those decisions.

Ultimately, a criminal defense attorney is going to give you an honest, objective view of what your options are and what is likely going to happen. Each case is different. That is why a case evaluation is so important. You need to know there are options available to you. A legal professional who has helped others in situations like your own can help you, too. Do not wait to get a consultation.

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