Zero Tolerance For Illinois Motorists

If you have been arrested for DUI or DWI you may become familiar with the term "zero tolerance." Zero Tolerance can have two separate meanings, depending upon your age. You should consult an Illinois Local DUI Attorney for information beyond this article.

For many individuals under 21 years of age arrested for DUI or DWI the zero tolerance law that may affect them first is the suspension of their drivers' licenses for having "Any" amount of alcohol in their system while operating a motor vehicle. In some states, including Illinois, the Zero Tolerance suspension cannot be added on to the statutory summary suspension that comes with any DUI or DWI. As a result, the arrested under 21 year old individual usually never sees the zero tolerance suspension applied during a DUI or DWI case. However, if you are in this category, it is vital that you contact an experienced local DUI attorney to advise you of your rights and license privileges. Most initial consultations are at no cost to the client.

For the rest of individuals charged with DUI or DWI, "zero tolerance" has a whole different meaning. In summary suspension terms, "zero tolerance" period is usually the first thirty days of a driver's license suspension in which no judge can give you permission to drive, even with a permit or a breath interlock ignition device (BAIID).

Most statutory summary suspensions cannot begin until a period of time has elapsed. In Illinois, for instance, the suspension does not begin until the 46th day after the arrest. Then the 30 days of "zero tolerance" begins. With a skilled and experienced local DUI attorney, it is possible to avoid the complications and consequences of the zero tolerance period. The sooner you find a competent local DUI attorney the sooner your counsel can work to rescind, or throw out, your suspension based upon Constitutional grounds.

It is important to retain a local DUI attorney who is highly experienced in Illinois DUI law. In addition, your attorney must be familiar with the county in which you are charged. Your local DUI Attorney may be able to challenge various portions of summary suspension. In addition to challenging the suspension, your Attorney may able to have the criminal case dismissed or reduced from a DUI.
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