The Misconceptions A Semi Injury Attorney Can Clear Up

If you're facing the ramifications of a serious car accident, in which you were hurt by a truck driver, you may be laboring under quite a few misconceptions that everyone wants to do the right thing in atoning for any mistake. Unfortunately, as any semi injury attorney can tell you, when there is profit at stake, many of these nicer elements of our better nature tend to fly out the window. If you have been hurt as the result of another driver's negligence, you deserve compensation. Depend on a good lawyer to get it for you. In the meantime, this professional will be able to set you straight on some common misconceptions.

Legal Logs

You may think that the driver who hit you could not have been overly tired. After all, there are laws on the books regarding how long a driver can be on the road, right? They were just passed in the last few years. It is true; these laws exist, and they are meant to ensure that companies don't have their drivers out on the roads for ridiculous lengths of time. Unfortunately, the method of documenting this time on the road falls to self-reporting, and a semi injury attorney can tell you that these logs are commonly falsified. So often this is the case that many drivers refer to these logs as "comic books." There is no guarantee that the driver who hit you was within the law as it pertains to driving limits.

Medical Bills

Many victims of serious accidents believe that the trucking company (or their insurance) will pay for their medical bills because the police declared them at fault when they filed the report. This is far from the truth. The insurance company is going to do everything they can to minimize the amount they have to pay. Yes, you will almost certainly be offered a settlement if the question of fault is clear-cut. Whether that settlement will actually cover your medical bills is quite another matter. A semi injury attorney can fight to see that you get the compensation you deserve.

Fair Treatment

No one has ever been treated with as much compassion, care, and kindness as a victim of a car accident while speaking with the other driver's insurance company. You will get off the phone convinced that you just made a new best friend. Don't believe it for a minute. Their goal - their only goal - is to get out of this situation with as little profit loss as possible. Talk to a semi injury attorney before you talk to the insurance company. Don't attempt to negotiate a settlement on your own. You are up against professionals, and you need a professional in your corner.
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