The Most Pressing Things to Do When Released from Jail

The Most Pressing Things to Do When Released from Jail Due to DUI

Once you get out of jail right after a DUI arrest, you probably have many questions whirling around in your head. Where do I go from here? Do I need a DUI lawyer? Is this going to end up with me serving time in jail? I would like to prove that I'm innocent, but how can I? These are only a few of the typical "morning after" questions that most DUI defendants have when they are released from jail following an arrest for DUI. The answers to all of these questions can be complicated, depending on the place you live and the conditions surrounding your arrest.

What Happens to Me Next?

Most people who have recently been arrested because of DUI are afraid of what's ahead, and rightly so. DUI is a significant charge that requires serious representation. If found guilty of DUI, you are facing possible jail time, probation, fines, and other negative implications. In all likelihood, it will be obligatory that you get drug and alcohol counseling. You may even have to pay for your own system for your car which will not allow for you to turn on your engine until you breath into a breath analyzer. Of course, this is all under the presumption that you have still got a driver's license. That will probably be confiscated, too, at least up until your DUI lawyer requests a hardship license which will help get you to and from work.

Will I Need a DUI Lawyer?

Yes, definitely. When you hire a DUI attorney, they are able to deal expertly with your DUI charges, and should also build up a defense for your actions if they need to. Sure, you may represent yourself. But if you aren't an attorney, you probably don't know the particulars that need to be considered in DUI defense. If you hire a DUI attorney, then at least you will be getting yourself a chance of being able to reduce the charges and additional damages that you are probably going to face.

Am I Going to Have to Spend Time in Jail?

Maybe - it all is based on the judge who hears your case, whether or not you plead to the charge, and the circumstances surrounding your offense. All over the country, judges have been showing very little mercy to DUI offenders. Whenever you commit a DUI crime you are showing blatant disregard for the lives of other motorists who have done nothing wrong, and are exhibiting all around recklessness. A DUI crime is something to be taken very seriously, and even if it is a first offense you could spend months or even a year in jail, no matter what state you're in.

But I'm Innocent!

The best sort of client, in the eyes of a DUI attorney, is definitely an innocent one. Hopefully, if you have already been arraigned with the DUI charge, you will plead innocent. There are actually a few reasons that even people who are guilty of DUI may in fact be innocent, and a seasoned lawyer knows them all. If the officer who arrested was not correctly trained to administer field sobriety tests, for instance, then you may have the charge completely thrown out. The test itself could have had some errors. Perhaps the officer did not actually have a good reason to stop you for DUI in the first place. If you're innocent of the accusation, your DUI attorney can work to help you prove it!

The sooner you obtain a good DUI attorney the better, so do not delay getting in touch with one as soon as you are able to.


Looking for a skilled Sacramento criminal attorney to assist you through your DUI arrest? Call 916-806-6400 to speak with the Law Offices of Brianne Doyle. She's a capable Sacramento criminal defense attorney who can help you!
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