The Negative Consequence Of Dui Offense Is Tarnished Record

You may not be aware but the grave consequence of having DUI conviction is lifetime tarnished record. You can pay the fines and you can serve your jail term. These penalties can easily be forgotten. The effects of driving under the influence charge goes beyond the courtroom. Your offense results into several negative things that can affect your future.

Take time to ponder on the following negative impacts on your record of a DUI conviction: jail term, fines, suspension of driving license, cost of insurance, legal counsel fee, counseling and restriction in employment.

The most basic penalties when found guilty of DUI are imprisonment, fines, suspension of driving license and counseling. The number of days of imprisonment and the amount of fine will be based on the gravity of the offense. To be guilty of DUI, you should be tested with BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.08% or more. With a higher BAC or repeated DUI offenses, your misdemeanor case becomes a felony crime. All these penalties may also vary from state to state. But if you commit this offense in Arizona, you will be in very big trouble. Arizona imposes the strictest statutes on driving under the influence of alcohol and prohibited drugs.

A conviction will increase the cost of your insurance premium, both for life and motor vehicle insurance. The offense contributes to higher risk on your driving ability. Majority of insurance companies check on traffic violations of clients and DUI conviction is carried as a criminal offense in your motor vehicle record. Strict insurance companies may not even cover you and your vehicle with insurance.

When charged with this offense, acquittal may be difficult to achieve. However, you can aim for minimal penalties which are lesser fines, less prison term and shorter period of suspension of your driving license. To get the lowest possible penalties, you will need the services of a lawyer who had varied experience in DUI laws. The legal fees will be additional cash outlay to fines that are imposed for your driving violation.

Some companies are hesitant to hire people with criminal record, regardless if your record only constitutes DUI offense. This will give the hiring company an impression that you have a drinking problem and may not be always fit to work. And you know how bad you will look in the eyes of the employers if your DUI record is discovered. And should you be younger and not yet employed, this can be in your student record. Some universities may not accept you for enrolment.

Why do you think the law is strict on DUI offenders? This offense had put many lives in jeopardy. Statistics show how high the incidences of accidents are because of drivers who maneuver their vehicles while being drunk.
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