The Perfect Criminal Defense Attorney

If you've been accused of a crime, you need to take action immediately. You shouldn't panic, but you should think things through logically and carefully. The first step is to hire a criminal defense attorney. This isn't some random person you pull out of the phone book but is someone you should take the time to assess and be sure that they are qualified. In order to make sure your representation is solid, there are a few steps you should follow.

The first step in finding a criminal defense attorney is to find someone who concentrates his or her defense practices in the area you need. Most lawyers will be able to represent you on a number of general charges, but in order to have the best chance, you want someone who specializes in the area in which you have been charged. For example, if you've been charged with first-degree murder, you will want to find a lawyer who has a high success rate in murder cases and has represented a lot of clients facing murder charges. This means they know what they are doing, and that will be a big relief.

The next thing you will have to decide is whether or not you want a public defense attorney or if you want to hire a private criminal defense attorney instead. The primary benefit of public lawyers is that they are usually much cheaper than someone whose practice is private. You can save yourself some money to be sure, but you might also be sacrificing quality. Private lawyers tend to try and juggle nearly two hundred cases at a time, a number far above the limit set by the Bar Association. They do this for a number of reasons but what it means for you is that your case won't get nearly the attention it deserves. With a private lawyer, your case will receive more attention and your chances will greatly increase. You should think carefully about the amount of money you can afford to spend and whether or not you can really afford to choose a lesser quality lawyer. Public lawyers mean well, but they simply spread themselves too thin much of the time.

After you've decided what type of criminal defense attorney you want, you need to think about what is important to you in terms of qualities. Do you want a young lawyer who lacks experience but will work hard to be sure and win the case? Would you prefer someone with a lot of years under their belt and a lot of experience in your type of case? You should also think about whether or not you need someone with experience in specific areas of law. After you've done this, one of the final steps is to check out their credentials. Make sure that they are whom they say they are and that they are qualified. If you're going with a younger lawyer, be sure that he or she is licensed and certified. This is a high priority, so that you will know you are getting the best representation possible.

Whatever your reason for needing a criminal defense attorney, you can find one easily enough if you do your research. Just be sure that you are getting a lawyer who will put your defense first, and you will be set to go.
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